94% of millionaires said getting along with people was key. (For more on how not following your passion can be the smartest career strategy, click here .) So they run their own shop and choose wisely what type of business to be in. But to make it a success dont they have to be brilliant? Nope. 3) Theyre Not Geniuses But They Have A Strong Work Ethic Weve all heard the old saying, If youre so smart, why arent you rich? What was the average college GPA of an American millionaire? 2.9 out of 4.0. (Not a lot of Phi Beta Kappa keys jangling around here, folks.) Few were ever called intellectually gifted and many were explicitly told they didnt have what it takes for medical school, law school or MBA school. But what most people dont know is that GPA is a very poor predictor of success. Via The Millionaire Mind : I find no substantial statistical correlation between the economic-productivity factors (net worth and income) and SATs, class rank in college, and grade performance in college And this may be part of the reason theyre so successful as entrepreneurs: smarter people are less likely to take such risks. Overall, there is an inverse relationship between taking financial risk and various measures of analytical intelligence such as SAT scores. And maybe this is why former drug dealers are more likely to start businesses. Via The Illusions of Entrepreneurship : people who dealt drugs as teenagers are between 11 and 21 percent more likely than other people to start their own businesses in adulthood. And their higher rate of self-employment isnt the result of wealth accumulated dealing drugs, greater likelihood of having a criminal record, or lower wages. In entrepreneurship, youre the boss. So it requires leadership . And some research shows being super-smart actually makes you worse at being a leader. Cognitive ability tests have been notoriously poor predictors of leadership performance. Leader intelligence under certain conditions correlates negatively with performance. (Though research shows if you want to be a successful terrorist, definitely study hard in school .) But future millionaires do work hard. When asked what their teachers did compliment them on, what was the most common response? Most dependable. When asked what they did learn in college, 94% replied a strong work ethic. And research shows self-discipline trumps IQ when it comes to success. (To see the type of schedule successful people follow every day, click here .) So we know how they bring their money in. Is there another part to the equation? Yeah. Dont let that money out. 4) Theyre Cheap When the authors of The Millionaire Mind interviewed the wealthy, they didnt want them to feel uncomfortable. So they rented a penthouse in Manhattan, loaded it with four types of pate, three kinds of caviar and plenty of fine wine. The millionaires arrived and felt completely out of place. All they ate were the gourmet crackers. When offered the fancy wine one interviewee said he only drank two types of beer: free and Budweiser. The researchers were stunned. They quickly realized the media images we see of millionaires arent representative. Expect a millionaire to be a fancy dresser? 50% have never paid over $399 for a suit. (10% had never paid $195.) In fact, if you do see someone wearing a $1000 suit, its more likely theyre not a millionaire. Via The Millionaire Next Door : For every millionaire who owns a $1,000 suit, there are at least six owners who have annual incomes in the $50,000 to $200,000 range but who are not millionaires. Fancy car? More than half have never paid over $30,000 for a car. See someone in a Mercedes? They are probably not a millionaire. Via The Millionaire Next Door : approximately 70,000 Mercedes were sold in this country last year. This translates into about one-half of 1 percent of the more than fourteen million motor vehicles sold. At the same time, there were nearly 3.5 million millionaire households. What does this tell us? It suggests that the members of most wealthy households dont drive luxury imports. The fact is that two out of three purchasers or leasers of foreign luxury motor vehicles in this country are not millionaires. Most millionaires live a lot more like you and me than Jay Z, Elon Musk or Donald Trump. Theyre thrifty, not very materialistic, and they think a great deal about how much they spend. There is an inverse relationship between the time spent purchasing luxury items such as cars and clothes and the time spent planning ones financial future. And the more materialistic people are, the less satisfied they are with their lives. Via 100 Simple Secrets of the Best Half of Life : Among participants in one study, those whose values were the most materialistic rated their lives as the least satisfying. Ryan and Dziurawiec 2001 Research shows people are better with their money when they think long term . Experts say you should have a system . Are you as money-conscious as a millionaire? Most millionaires answer yes to these four questions. Can you? Does your household operate on an annual budget? Do you know how much your family spends each year on food, clothing and shelter? Do you have a clearly defined set of daily, weekly, monthly, annual and lifetime goals? Do you spend a lot of time planning your financial future? (For more on research-backed ways to spend your money so it increases your happiness, click here .) So its clear how millionaires make their money. But what should we take away from all of this? Sum Up Being a millionaire must be nice.
Souce http://time.com/3510444/millionaires-in-common-successful/
Bavaria may house overflow of refugees in Oktoberfest beer tents - Yahoo News
What Could Go Wrong? Bad Movies. Bad Jokes. Beer. Zombies.
Souce http://www.seacoastonline.com/article/20141016/ENTERTAINMENTLIFE/141019758/101169/ENTERTAINMENT
Bad Movies. Bad Jokes. Beer. Zombies. What Could Go Wrong? - Entertainment & Life - seacoastonline.com - Portsmouth, NH
View gallery Asylum seekers resting on bunk beds at a refugee tent camp called 'The Tent' in Munich October By Madeline Chambers BERLIN (Reuters) - Bavaria may house refugees in Oktoberfest beer festival tents as an influx of people fleeing war in Syria has stretched facilities to the limit, a leading newspaper said on Wednesday, highlighting a growing problem for Germany's central government. The prosperous German state's ruling conservatives, part of Chancellor Angela Merkel's bloc, worry that more support is seeping away to new rightist party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), and many blame the recent surge in refugee numbers. Germany has the largest number of refugees and asylum-seekers in the European Union and net immigration is at its highest in two decades. Local governments complain they lack the facilities to cope and many residents are angry about the cost. In September, asylum claims in Europe's biggest economy jumped 39 percent from a year ago to 19,043, driven by arrivals from Syria, interior ministry data released on Wednesday showed. For the year so far, applications are up almost 60 percent. Bureaucratic bottlenecks mean more than 2,000 asylum seekers are waiting to be registered in Munich. With barracks already full, many are sleeping outside. Facing a popular outcry at TV pictures of trainloads of refugees pouring onto Munich station, the Bavarian government has set up an "asylum task force". View gallery The interioir a refugee tent camp called 'The Tent' in Munich October 10, 2014. REUTERS/Mich "We have problems with this question," Bavarian state premier Horst Seehofer said this week. "We will not overcome this challenge if we wear party political spectacles. There must be joint action by the federal, state and local government." Authoritative Munich newspaper, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, said authorities may also using the city's Olympic stadium as temporary accommodation for refugees and asylum-seekers. No one at Bavaria's government offices was immediately available to comment. Until now, immigration has rarely featured as a big election issue compared with countries such as France and Britain but the rise of the AfD may change that. Launched last year as an anti-euro party, it has homed in on asylum, helping it to win seats in three state votes and gain national ratings of about 8 percent. "The right to political asylum...has become an uncontrolled right to immigration and to stay for an almost unlimited time. It is understandable if people oppose this officially tolerated abuse," AfD spokesman Konrad Adam said this month. (Editing by Stephen Brown and Louise Ireland) Politics & Government
Souce http://news.yahoo.com/bavaria-may-house-overflow-refugees-oktoberfest-beer-tents-131036321--business.html
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